28. Emergence of Self & Will

Chapter 29: Re: Evolution/Emergence & Self Organization

Micro Evolution Yes: Macro Evolution No

Evolution and Emergence work together

Music and Beauty Emergent features of Consciousness

Questionable if evolutionary explanation needs volumes to justify

Combination of Evolution and Emergence is Complete

Chapter 30: The Complex of Self-reflection, Choice, & Will

Self Reflection not an endless loop

Unreflected Self doesn’t participate in Emergence

Reflected Self includes Will - which could choose another Way

Logic and Will independent

Greater Self = Observer * Lesser Self

Function of Observer to purify assumptions of Lesser Self

The Self Ore purified of Person equals Being

Chapter 30A: Origins of the Corruption of Being

Brain emerges and evolves to support increasingly complex life forms

Social structure of Animals doesn’t evolve

Animals and their social organization evolve simultaneously

Social organization of humans evolves separately

Mind is another type of container designed to protect the Body

Mind = Brain * Self-Reflection

Brain -> Automatic: Mind -> Choice

Humans have the unique ability to make really bad choices

Mind has power to rewire the Brain and shift from Being Present

Chapter 31: Self = Group urge for Survival

Self is the Urge for Survival independent of parts.

‘Self’ of Organ or Group independent of Self Awareness

Self independent of Body, Brain, Mind and Person

Function of Person to serve the Self

Animal tendency to sacrifice for Group

Even Disembodied Groups have a Self

Emergent feature of Self is Character

Self Organization emerges with tendency to Self Sacrifice

Individual gives part of Self to the Group

Where is the Disembodied Self?

Self while emerging from the Body is not the Body

All Animals naturally gives themselves up to the Group

Humans get to Choose which Group to Sacrifice their Self to

Group encourages Self Sacrifice and discourages Self Reflection

Without Self Reflection, Humans naturally identify with Group

Chapter 32: Cultivate Sense of Self to Avoid Victimization

Self = Continuity of Group

Human Sense of Self, a result of Self Reflection

Replaceable Body and Brain not the Self

Conflict between Self Preservation of Individual and Group

Multitude of Unique characteristics of each Self obscures commonalty

The Self is not in the Brain

Self resides Nowhere/Everywhere

Self = Emergent feature of mixture of Body and Time

Only those with Self Reflection have Sense of Self

Respect Self of the Disembodied Group to avoid becoming its Victim

Chapter 33: Leader manifests Will of Group, doesn’t lead

Group encourages Grouping?

Misleading to say Group follows Leader

Leader must merge with Group Will to lead

Mob mentality exists despite lack of location

Misconception of Space Time Continuum

Leaders minimize Self Reflection because it conflicts with Group Mind

Self Reflection neutralizes power of the Group

Chapter 33A: On the Majority Fallacy

Group Morality: Sublimate Individual Desires for Group Good

The ‘good of the Group’?

All Patriots are Pro War?

Clarifying Intentionality

When the Relation between Leader and Citizen ends

Group and Individual Logic Vs the Intuition Decision

No absolute morality so Listen to your Little Voice

Chapter 33B: The Human Energy Field

Electromagnetism as metaphor for Human Field

Many Human Fields Generate powerful Group Field

Those with weak Fields follow the Crowd

Strong Fields aligned with Group become Leaders

Lesser Leaders support Supreme Leader - encouraging Dictatorship

Compassionate Leaders allow dissent - don’t become demagogues

Sheep conditioned to Follow the Leader - no matter what

Lesser Leaders wait for the Wind to Change

The Master aligns with Heaven and Earth, not the Group

Masters rewards determined by Heaven

Recapitulation Chapters 31->33A

Chapter 34: Coming to grips with abusive patterns

Fight and Flight encourages Aggressive Behavior

Neutralize and Return most effective at harmonizing Violence

Neutralize and Return has to do with Compassionate Communication

Biological Roots of Right and Wrong Behaviors in terms of the Force

Chapter 35: Ecstasy by Escaping Attachments

First step in Abusive Relation: Establishing Dominance

Internal and External Compliance

Internal and External Attachment


Chapter 36: Brain useful Tool, not Master

Scientists discover How not Why

Evidence indicates that Self and Person are separate

Misconception because Brain always shows up to analyze ‘Where?’

Want analytical Brain ‘out of the way’ when Experiencing Life

Intent of Brain bashing to humble - not to destroy

Chapter 37: Difficult explanations lead to Bliss

‘Good Enuf’ explanation of Light doesn’t work at the Edges

Wave people are perfect with single reflection, not multiple

Particle physicists explain data of multiple reflection - but not Why

Normal explanations leave us just Short of Bliss


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